cellulose microfibril中文什么意思

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  1. In this review , the present status of the molecular and physiological mechanism of the differentiation and development of cotton fiber is discussed , in which the molecular and physiological mechanism of the producing of the cell turgor , loosening of the cell wall , synthesis of the composition molecules and their incorporation into cell wall , signal of the starting of secondary wall thickening , cellulose biosynthesis , and layout of cellulose microfibril regulated by cytoskeleton are introduced in detail


  1. cellulose methylene bis-xanthate 什么意思
  2. cellulose micell 什么意思
  3. cellulose micelle 什么意思
  4. cellulose microcrystalline 什么意思
  5. cellulose microcrystallisate 什么意思
  6. cellulose mixed ester 什么意思
  7. cellulose mixed ester plastic 什么意思
  8. cellulose modal 什么意思
  9. cellulose mucus 什么意思
  10. cellulose naphthenate 什么意思


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